Brothers in Blue

Brothers in Blue is an 18" x 24" collage designed to compliment another one of my mixed media pieces, titled Bolt. The drawing was selected, cut out and placed over various fine art papers. I created a mat for the piece using my cloud design. Then I went to work, cutting clouds from the papers and finding the perfect spots for them. I use a bag of rocks and a glass magnification dome as paper weights to prevent curling and to create pressure for the glue.

This was a custom piece for a patron who has two boys that are graduating and leaving home. The inside of the main character is filled with symbols which represent all the father had inside himself to teach. His children are peering out into the world. 

Scroll down for the finished piece.

A selection of fine papers.

A selection of fine papers.

Cutting cloud shapes from various patterns.

Cutting cloud shapes from various patterns.

Checking my drawing out against different backgrounds.

Checking my drawing out against different backgrounds.

A new, sharp x-acto blade, Modge Podge and a weights.

A new, sharp x-acto blade, Modge Podge and a weights.

Framing layers with a mat cut to my cloud design.

Framing layers with a mat cut to my cloud design.

Committing to final layers.

Committing to final layers.

The finished piece.

The finished piece.